Our Story

Preserve a habitat for all living things

Watch Our Story

In 1959, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL) Forestry Assoc. Professor Walter Thaine Bagley and wife Virginia purchased the 145 acre row crop farm with a 10 acre native prairie, that is now the Prairie Pines Nature Preserve. They transformed the farm to woodlands, windbreaks, grassland and wildlife habitat with diverse trees, an arboretum and reclaimed grassland.
It became the first “choose-and-cut” Christmas tree farm, the first home for Raptor Recovery, and the first Conservation Easement in Nebraska.

Prairie Pines was donated to the University of Nebraska Foundation in 1992 to be “protected forever as a place that would provide a pleasant habitat for all beings--plant and animal.” The Bagley’s created the Prairie Pines Partners non-profit in 2009 to ensure this would remain so.

In December 2024, ownership of the property was transferred to Wachiska Audubon. Wachiska and Prairie Pines Partners collaboratively uphold the mission of the Prairie Pines Nature Preserve: to sustain a habitat for all living creatures through conservation, education, and experiences that foster a lasting connection with the natural world and its resources.

"Celebrate life by planting trees and saving and establishing natural prairies wherever you are."
-W.T. Bagley

Our Place

Promote Diversity

Prairie Pines is home to a rich collection of natural resources in its plants and wildlife. That richness is amplified by the restorative, aesthetic and educational experiences to be found here. It is a place for wildlife to exist and for humans to discover their place and duty in the natural world, a world that is ever present yet ever changing and inviting discovery.

Our arboretum and woodland represent a fifty year effort by the Bagleys to create a forest in their lifetime. Planted almost exclusively from seed or seedling, the tree success demonstrates the benefit of planting trees as communities rather than individuals.

Species List

Watch UNL Wildlife Video

"This property will forever be managed for the benefit of all living creatures."
-W.T. Bagley

Photo by Rodene Essman-Brchan ©
Our Vision

Enhancing interaction with the human & wild ecosystem


Planning and funding for a visitor center involving renovation of existing residence with restrooms, as an educational and gathering place where nature, knowledge and experience meet.

Wildlife Habitat

Conservation of diverse species and recognition of equitable ecosystem services to promote and demonstrate sustainability.


Provide public access to the local community and plan and fundraise for a connection to the Lincoln trail system.


Collaborate with universities, local schools, outreach/educational organizations, and the community to provide learning and research opportunities, nature-based programming and experiences and opportunities for contact with nature.

Our tallgrass prairie represents the dominant ecosystem in southeast Nebraska before settlement.
Who We Are

"this place is supposed to last." - W.T. Bagley

Prairie Pines Partners was created by Walt Bagley to facilitate he and his wife Virginia’s vision for the long-term stewardship of their property.

The Prairie Pines Partners mission is to provide leadership to develop Prairie Pines as a site of natural resource conservation for education, research and recreation for all. The Partners carry out this mission by providing nature based programming, events, and access to the public through the work of two part time staff, many volunteers and a committed Board of Directors. The Board consists of: Jill Aurand, Kent Miller, Nancy Scott, Naomi Kohles, Ned Stringham and Sue Kohles.

Wachiska Audubon Society is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society whose mission is to bring people together to preserve and restore tallgrass prairies and other natural ecosystems, promote birding, support native wildlife, provide nature education, and advocate for the sustainability of our natural community. Walt and Virginia Bagley were founding members in 1973.

Wachiska Audubon is recognized locally and nationally for their successful efforts to protect tallgrass prairie in and around their 17-county southeast Nebraska chapter area, through both direct ownership and by holding conservation easements for private landowners. They own 9 of the 51 prairies they manage with the goal to preserve and improve the prairie, provide habitat for prairie plants and animals, and to offer students, scientists, and the general public opportunities to study and enjoy these unique and increasingly rare ecosystems.

Promote nature experience and education for all ages.
UNL Art Student Installation. Photo by Amanda Breitbach