Preserve a habitat for all living things
In 1959, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (UNL) Forestry Assoc. Professor Walter Thaine Bagley and wife Virginia purchased the 145 acre row crop farm with a 10 acre native prairie, that is now the Prairie Pines Nature Preserve. They transformed the farm to woodlands, windbreaks, grassland and wildlife habitat with diverse trees, an arboretum and reclaimed grassland. It became the first “choose-and-cut” Christmas tree farm, the first home for Raptor Recovery, and the first Conservation Easement in Nebraska.
Prairie Pines was donated to the University of Nebraska Foundation in 1992 to be “protected forever as a place that would provide a pleasant habitat for all beings--plant and animal.” The Bagley’s created the Prairie Pines Partners non-profit in 2009 to ensure this would remain so.
In December 2024, ownership of the property was transferred to Wachiska Audubon. Wachiska and Prairie Pines Partners collaboratively uphold the mission of the Prairie Pines Nature Preserve: to sustain a habitat for all living creatures through conservation, education, and experiences that foster a lasting connection with the natural world and its resources.
"Celebrate life by planting trees and saving and establishing natural prairies wherever you are."
-W.T. Bagley
Promote Diversity
Prairie Pines is home to a rich collection of natural resources in its plants and wildlife. That richness is amplified by the restorative, aesthetic and educational experiences to be found here. It is a place for wildlife to exist and for humans to discover their place and duty in the natural world, a world that is ever present yet ever changing and inviting discovery.
Our arboretum and woodland represent a fifty year effort by the Bagleys to create a forest in their lifetime. Planted almost exclusively from seed or seedling, the tree success demonstrates the benefit of planting trees as communities rather than individuals.
Species List
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Storeria dekayi | brown snake |
Thamnophis sirtalis | common garter snake |
Hyla chrysoscelis | Cope's gray treefrog |
Thamnophis radix | plains garter snake |
Lithobates blairi | plains leopard frog |
Anaxyrus woodhousii | Woodhouse's toad |
Acris blanchard | Blanchard's cricket frog |
Pseudacris maculata | borreal chorus frog |
Lithobates catesbeianus | bullfrog |
Pituophis catenifer | bullsnake |
Chelydra serpentina | common snapping turtle |
Chrysemys picta | northern painted turtle |
Diadophis punctatus | ringneck snake |
Apalone mutica | smooth softshell |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Blarina brevicauda | short-tailed shrew |
Didelphis marsupialis | opossum |
Eptesicus fuscus | big brown bat |
Lasiurus borealis | red bat |
Mephitis mephitis | striped skunk |
Microtus ochrogaster | prairie vole |
Microtus pennsylvanicus | meadow vole |
Mus musculus | house mouse |
Myotis septentrionalis | northern long-eared bat |
Odocoileus virginianus | white-tailed deer |
Peromyscus leucopus | white-footed mouse |
Peromyscus maniculatus | deer mouse |
Procyon lotor | raccoon |
Reithrodontomys megalotis | western harvest mouse |
Scalopus aquaticus | eastern mole |
Sciurus niger rufiventer | fox squirrel |
Sorex cinereus | masked shrew |
Sylvilagus floridanus | eastern cottontail |
Vulpes vulpes | red fox |
Zapus hudsonius | meadow jumping mouse |
Taxidea taxus | badger |
Canis latrans | coyote |
Scientific Name | Family | Common Name |
Abies balsamea | Pinaceae - pine family | balsam fir |
Abies concolor | Pinaceae - pine family | concolor fir |
Abies concolor 'Horning' | Pinaceae - pine family | Horning concolor fir |
Acer buergeranum | Aceraceae - maple family | trident maple |
Acer campestre | Aceraceae - maple family | hedge maple |
Acer glabrum | Aceraceae - maple family | Rocky Mountain maple |
Acer griseum | Aceraceae - maple family | paperbark maple |
Acer henryi | Aceraceae - maple family | ivy-leafed maple |
Acer negundo | Aceraceae - maple family | boxelder |
Acer platanoides | Aceraceae - maple family | Norway maple |
Acer saccharinum | Aceraceae - maple family | silver maple |
Acer saccharum | Aceraceae - maple family | sugar maple |
Acer saccharum ssp. saccharum | Aceraceae - maple family | sugar maple |
Acer saccharum sub. nigrum | Aceraceae - maple family | black sugar maple |
Acer tataricum ssp.ginnala | Aceraceae - maple family | Amur maple |
Acer truncatum | Aceraceae - maple family | purpleblow maple |
Aesculus glabra | Hippocastanaceae - horsechestnut family | Ohio buckeye |
Aesculus glabra | Hippocastanaceae - horsechestnut family | Ohio buckeye |
Aesculus hippocastanum | Hippocastanaceae - horsechestnut family | horsechestnut |
Aesculus octandra | Hippocastanaceae - horsechestnut family | yellow buckeye |
Ailanthus altissima | Simaroubaceae - quassia family | tree-of-heaven |
Amelalanchier alnifolia | Rosaceae - Rose family | Saskatoon serviceberry |
Amelalanchier alnifolia 'Smokey' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Smokey Saskatoon serviceberry |
Amelanchier arborea | Rosaceae - Rose family | juneberry |
Amelanchier canadensis | Rosaceae - Rose family | shadblow serviceberry |
Asimina triloba | Anonaceae | pawpaw |
Bambusae spp | Bambusoiddeae | bamboo |
Betula fruticosa | Betulaceae - birch family | Japanese bog birch |
Buxus microphylla | Buxaceae - boxwood family | littleleaf boxwood |
Campsis radicans | Bignoniaceae - bignonia family | trumpet-vine |
Carpinus caroliniana | Betulaceae - birch family | American hornbeam |
Carya cordiformis | Juglandaceae - walnut family | bitternut hickory |
Carya illinoinesis | Juglandaceae - walnut family | pecan |
Carya ovata | Juglandaceae - walnut family | shagbark hickory |
Caryopteris xcladenensis 'Dark Knight' | Verbenaceae - vervain family | Dark Knight blue mist spirea |
Castanea dentata | Fagaceae - beech family | American chestnut |
Castanea mollissima | Fagaceae - beech family | Chinese chestnut |
Catalpa bignoides | Bignoniaceae - bignonia family | southern catalpa |
Catalpa xfargesii | Bignoniaceae - bignonia family | Farges catalpa |
Ceanothus americanus | Rhamnaceae - buckthorn family | New Jersey tea |
Celastrus scandens | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | American bittersweet |
Celtis koriensis | Ulmaceae - elm family | sugarberry |
Celtis occidentalis | Ulmaceae - elm family | hackberry |
Cephlanthus occidentalis | Rubiaceae - madder family | buttonbush |
Cercis canadensis | Caesalpiniaceae - caesalpinia family | eastern redbud |
Cladrastis kentuckea | Fabaceae - pea family | yellowwood |
Clematis heracleifolia var. davidiana | Ranunculaceae - buttercup family | David's fragrant tube-flower clematis |
Clematis terniflora | Ranunculaceae - buttercup family | sweetautumn clematis |
Clematis xjackmanii | Ranunculaceae - buttercup family | Jackman clematis |
Cornus alba | Cornaceae - dogwood family | tatarian dogwood |
Cornus alternifolia | Cornaceae - dogwood family | pagoda dogwood |
Cornus ammonum | Cornaceae - dogwood family | silky dogwood |
Cornus drummondii | Cornaceae - dogwood family | roughleaf dogwood |
Cornus florida | Cornaceae - dogwood family | flowering dogwood |
Cornus foemina ssp. racemosa | Cornaceae - dogwood family | gray dogwood |
Cornus kousa | Cornaceae - dogwood family | Japanese dogwood |
Cornus mas | Cornaceae - dogwood family | Corneliancherry dogwood |
Cornus paucinerva | Cornaceae - dogwood family | few nerved dogwood |
Cornus sanguinea | Cornaceae - dogwood family | red dogwood |
Corylus americana | Betulaceae - birch family | American hazelnut |
Corylus colurna | Betulaceae - birch family | Turkish filbert |
Cotinus ovbovatus | Anacardiaceae - sumac family | American smoketree |
Cotoneaster interrigima | Rosaceae - Rose family | European cotoneaster |
Cotoneaster lucidus | Rosaceae - Rose family | hedge cotoneaster |
Crataegus crusgalli | Rosaceae - Rose family | cockspur hawthorn |
Crataegus phaenopyrum | Rosaceae - Rose family | Washington hawthorn |
Crategus ambigua | Rosaceae - Rose family | European singleseed hawthorn |
Diospyrus virginiana | Ebenaceae - ebony family | persimmon |
Elaeagnus angustifoia | Elaeagnaceae - oleaster family | Russianolive |
Elaeagnus umbellata | Elaeagnaceae - oleaster family | autumnolive |
Eunoymus fortuneii | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | wintercreeper |
Euonymus alatus | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | winged euonymous |
Euonymus atropurpurea | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | eastern wahoo |
Euonymus bungeanna 'Pink Lady' | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | Pink Lady winterberry euonymus |
Euonymus europea | Celestraceae - bittersweet family | European burningbush |
Forsythia 'Meadowlark' | Oleaceae - olive family | Meadowlark forsythia |
Forsythia suspensa | Oleaceae - olive family | weeping forsythia |
Fraxinus americana | Oleaceae - olive family | white ash |
Fraxinus bungeana | Oleaceae - olive family | Bunge ash |
Fraxinus excelsior | Oleaceae - olive family | European ash |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Oleaceae - olive family | green ash |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkoaceae - ginkgo family | ginkgo |
Gleditisia triacanthos 'Calhoun' | Caesalpiniaceae - caesalpinia family | honeylocust |
Gleditsia triacanthos "Bagley Hills" | Caesalpiniaceae - caesalpinia family | Bagley Hills honeylocust |
Gleditsia tricanthos | Caesalpiniaceae - caesalpinia family | honeylocust |
Gymnocladus dioicus | Caeselpiniaceae - caesalpinia familly | Kentucky coffeetree |
Hedera helix | Araliaceae - ginseng family | English ivy |
Hepticodium micronoides | Caprifoliaceae | seven son flower |
Juglans ailantifolia var. cordiformis | Juglandaceae - walnut family | heartnut |
Juglans cinerea | Juglandaceae - walnut family | butternut |
Juglans nigra | Juglandaceae - walnut family | black walnut |
Juglans nigra 'Thomas' | Juglandaceae - walnut family | Thomas black walnut |
Juglans regia | Juglandaceae - walnut family | Persian walnut |
Juniperus chinensis 'Hetzii' | Cupressaceae - cypress family | Chinese juniper |
Juniperus chinensis 'Pfitzeriana' | Cupressaceae - cypress family | Chinese juniper |
Juniperus horizontalis | Cupressaceae - cypress family | creeping juniper |
Juniperus horizontalis 'Sutton' 'Ogallala' | Cupressaceae - cypress family | creeping juniper |
Juniperus scopulorum | Cupressaceae - cypress family | Rocky Mountain juniper |
Juniperus virginiana | Cupressaceae - cypress family | eastern red cedar |
Koelreutaria paniculata | Sapindaceae - soapberry family | golden raintree |
Kolkwitzia amabilis | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | beautybush |
Larix gmelini | Pinaceae - pine family | Dahurian larch |
Ligustrum vulgare | Oleaceae - olive family | European privet |
Liquidambar styraciflua | Hamaelidaceae - witch-hazel familly | sweetgum |
Lonicera hirsuta | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | hairy honeysuckle |
Lonicera mackii | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | Amur honeysuckle |
Maackia amurensis | Fabaceae - pea family | Amur maackia |
Maclura pomifera | Moraceae - mulberry family | osage-orange |
Magnolia kobus | Magnoliaceae - magnolia family | Kobus magnolia |
Magnolia macrophylla | Magnoliaceae - magnolia family | big-leaf magnolia |
Malus baccata 'Midwest' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Midwest flowering crabapple |
Malus 'kelsii' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Kelsy flowering crab |
Malus pumila x baccata 'Vanguard' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Vanguard flowering crabapple |
Malus 'Red Splendor' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Red Splendor flowering crabapple |
Malus sargentii | Rosaceae - Rose family | Sargent flowering crabapple |
Malus sibirica (baccata) | Rosaceae - Rose family | Siberian crab apple |
Morus alba | Moraceae - mulberry family | white mulberry |
Ostrya virginiana | Betulaceae - birch family | American hophorbeam |
Parthenocissus inserta | Vitaceae - grape family | thicket creeper |
Picea abies | Pinaceae - pine family | Norway spruce |
Picea glauca | Pinaceae - pine family | white spruce |
Picea pungens var. glauca | Pinaceae - pine family | blue spruce |
Pinus armandii | Pinaceae - pine family | Chinese white pine |
Pinus bungeana | Pinaceae - pine family | lacebark pine |
Pinus nigra | Pinaceae - pine family | Austrian pine |
Pinus ponderosa | Pinaceae - pine family | ponderosa pine |
Pinus strobiformis | Pinaceae - pine family | southwestern white pine |
Pinus strobus | Pinaceae - pine family | eastern white pine |
Pinus sylvestris | Pinaceae - pine family | Scotch pine |
Platanus occidentalis | Plantanaceae - sycamore or planetree family | American sycamore |
Platycladus orientalis | Cupressaceae - cypress family | Oriental arborvitae |
Populus deltoides | Salicaceae - willow family | eastern cottonwood |
Populus deltoides 'Ohio Red' | Salicaceae - willow family | Ohio Red eastern cottonwood |
Populus xcandensis 'Nor'easter' | Salicaceae - willow family | Nor'easter eastern cottonwood |
Prunus americana | Rosaceae - Rose family | American plum |
Prunus angustifolia | Rosaceae - Rose family | chickasaw plum |
Prunus hortulana | Rosaceae - Rose family | hortulana plum |
Prunus serotina | Rosaceae - Rose family | black cherry |
Prunus serotina var. slicifolia | Rosaceae - Rose family | Capulin cherry |
Prunus tomentosa | Rosaceae - Rose family | Nanking cherry |
Prunus virginiana | Rosaceae - Rose family | common chokecherry |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Pinaceae - pine family | Douglas fir |
Pyrus betulifolia | Rosaceae - Rose family | birch-leaf pear |
Pyrus calleryana | Rosaceae - Rose family | callery pear |
Pyrus communis 'Maxine' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Maxine common pear |
Pyrus ussariensis | Rosaceae - Rose family | Ussurian pear |
Quercus acuitissima 'Gobbler' | Fagaceae - beech family | Gobbler sawtooth oak |
Quercus alba | Fagaceae - beech family | white oak |
Quercus bicolor | Fagaceae - beech family | swamp white oak |
Quercus coccinea | Fagaceae - beech family | scarlet oak |
Quercus imbricaria | Fagaceae - beech family | shingle oak |
Quercus lyrata | Fagaceae - beech family | overcup oak |
Quercus macrocarpa | Fagaceae - beech family | bur oak |
Quercus macrocarpa 'Lippert' | Fagaceae - beech family | bur oak |
Quercus mongolica | Fagaceae - beech family | Mongolian oak |
Quercus muehlenbergia | Fagaceae - beech family | chinkapin oak |
Quercus palustris | Fagaceae - beech family | pin oak |
Quercus phellos x palustris | Fagaceae - beech family | Rich's oak |
Quercus prinoides | Fagaceae - beech family | dwarf chinkapin oak |
Quercus robur | Fagaceae - beech family | English oak |
Quercus rubra | Fagaceae - beech family | northern red oak |
Quercus stellata | Fagaceae - beech family | post oak |
Quercus velotina | Fagaceae - beech family | black oak |
Quercus xbebbiana | Fagaceae - beech family | Bebb's oak |
Rhus aromatica | Anacardiaceae - sumac family | fragrant sumac |
Rhus glabra | Anacardiaceae - sumac family | smooth sumac |
Rhus typhina | Anacardiaceae - sumac family | staghorn sumac |
Ribes missouriense | Grossulariaceae - currant familly | Missouri gooseberry |
Ribes 'Pixwell' | Grossulariaceae - currant familly | gooseberry |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Fabaceae - pea family | black locust |
Rosa arkansana var. suffulta | Rosaceae - Rose family | Arkansas rose |
Rosa eglantaria | Rosaceae - Rose family | sweet briar |
Rosa 'Fairy' | Rosaceae - Rose family | Fairy rose |
Rosa multiflora | Rosaceae - Rose family | multiflora rose |
Rosa woodsii | Rosaceae - Rose family | Woods rose |
Rubus ideus | Rosaceae - Rose family | red rasberry |
Rubus occidentalis | Rosaceae - Rose family | black rasberry |
Salix amygdaloides | Salicaceae - willow family | peachleaf willow |
Salix discolor | Salicaceae - willow family | pussywillow |
Salix tonginensis 'Xingjang' | Salicaceae - willow family | Zingjang poplar |
Sambucus candensis | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | American elder |
Smilax hispida | Smilaceae - catbrier famility | bristly green brier |
Symphiocarpus orbiculatus | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | coralberry |
Syringa reticulata | Oleaceae - olive family | Japanese tree lilac |
Syringa vulgaris | Oleaceae - olive family | common lilac |
Taxus xmedia 'Hicksii' | Taxaceae - yew family | Anglo-Japanese yew |
Thuja occidentalis | Cupressaceae - cypress family | oriental arborvitae |
Tilia americana | Tiliaceae - basswood family | American linden |
Tilia cordata | Tiliaceae - basswood family | littleleaf linden |
Tilia tometosum | Tiliaceae - basswood family | silver linden |
Toxicodendron radicans ssp.negundo | Anacardiaceae - sumac family | poison ivy |
Ulmus americana | Ulmaceae - elm family | American elm |
Ulmus japonica v.mandshurica | Ulmaceae - elm family | Japanese elm |
Ulmus parvifolia | Ulmaceae - elm family | Chinese elm |
Ulmus pumila | Ulmaceae - elm family | Siberian elm |
Ulmus thomasi | Ulmaceae - elm family | rock elm |
Viburnum xjuddii | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | Judd viburnum |
Viburnum carlesii | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | Koreanspice viburnum |
Viburnum dentatum | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | arrowwood viburnum |
Viburnum lantana | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | wayfaring tree |
Viburnum lentago | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | nannyberry viburnum |
Viburnum mongolicum | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | Mongolian viburnum |
Viburnum prunifolium | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | blackhaw viburnum |
Viburnum trilobum | Caprifoliaceae - honeysuckle family | American cranberrybush viburnum |
Vinca minor | Apocynaceae - dogbane family | periwinkle |
Vitus riparia | Vitaceae - grape family | riverbank grape |
Zelkova serrata | Ulmaceae - elm family | Japanese zelkova |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Poa pratensis | Kentucky bluegrass |
Bromus inermis | smooth brome |
Andropogon gerardii | big bluestem |
Carex bicknellii | Bicknell's sedge |
Aster ericoides | heath aster |
Carex gravida | heavy-fruit sedge |
Trifolium pratense | red clover |
Carex brevior | short-beak sedge |
Melilotus officinalis | yellow sweet-clover |
Panicum oligosanthes | Scribner panicum |
Medicago lupulina | black medick |
Amorpha canescens | leadplant |
Physalis virginiana | Virginia ground-cherry |
Pediomelum argophyllum | silver-leaf scurf-pea |
Schizachyrium scoparium | little bluestem |
Euphorbia nutans | eyebane |
Bouteloua curtipendula | side-oats grama |
Oxalis violacea | violet wood sorrel |
Viola pedatfida | prairie violet |
Callirhoe alcaeoides | pale poppy-mallow |
Rudbeckia hirta | black-eyed Susan |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indiangrass |
Vernonia baldwinii | western ironweed |
Ulmus spp | elm spp |
Koeleria macrantha | junegrass |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow |
Brickellia eupatorioides | false-boneset |
Senecio plattensis | prairie ragwort |
Solidago canadensis | Canada goldenrod |
Asclepias verticillata | whorled milkweed |
Convolvulus arvensis | false-boneset |
Hackelia virginiana | Virginia stickseed |
Solidago missouriensis | Missouri goldenrod |
Taraxacum officinale | common dandelion |
Cirsium spp | thistle |
Dalea (Petalostemom) candida | white prairie clover |
Solanum carolinense | horse nettle |
Sporobolus compositus | tall dropseed |
Antennaria neglecta | plains pussytoes |
Apocynum cannabinum | hemp dogbane |
Asclepias syriaca | common milkweed |
Calystegia spp | bindweed spp |
Carex meadii | Mead's sedge |
Comandra umbellata | toadflax |
Dalea (Petalostemom) purpurea | purple prairie clover |
Helianthus grosseserratus | saw-tooth sunflower |
Hieracium longipilum | long beard hawkweed |
Juncus dudleyi | Dudley's rush |
Prunus americana | American plum |
Salvia azurea | blue sage |
Artemisia ludoviciana | prairie sage |
Baptisia bracteata | cream wild indigo |
Carex mesochorea | midland sedge |
Chenopodium spp | goosefoot spp |
Cirsium undulatum | wavy-leaf thistle |
Cyperus lupulinus | Great Plains flatsedge |
Erechtites hieracifolia | burnweed |
Eupatorium altissimum | tall boneset |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | green ash |
Lithospermum incisum | fringed paccoon |
Panicum virgatum | switchgrass |
Phytolacca americana | American pokeweed |
Rhus glabra | smooth sumac |
Solanum ptychanthum | black nightshade |
Solanum spp | nightshade spp |
Sporobolus heterolepis | prairie dropseed |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Accipiter striatus | sharp-shinned hawk |
Agelaius phoeniceus | red-winged blackbird |
Archilochus culubris | ruby-throated hummingbird |
Ammoddramus savannarum | grasshopper sparrow |
Bombycilla cedrorum | cedar waxwing |
Bubo virginianus | great horned owl |
Buteo jamaicensis | red-tailed hawk |
Cardinalis cardinalis | Northern cardinal |
Carduelis pinus | pine siskin |
Carduelis tristis | American goldfinch |
Carpodacus mexicanus | house finch |
Carpodacus purpureus | purple finch |
Cathartes aura | turkey vulture |
Catharus guttatus | hermit thrush |
Certhia americana | brown creeper |
Chondestes grammacus | lark sparrow |
Chordeiles acutipennis | common nighthawk |
Colaptes auratus | Northern flicker |
Colinus virginianus | Northern bobwhite |
Contopus virens | Eastern wood-pewee |
Corvus brachyhynchos | American crow |
Cyanocitta cristata | blue jay |
Dendroica petechial | yellow warbler |
Dolichonyx oryzivorus | bobolink |
Dumetella carolinensis | gray catbird |
Eremophila alpestris | horned lark |
Falco columbariuus | merlin |
Falco sparverius | American kestrel |
Geothylypis trichas | common yellowthroat |
Hirundo rustica | barn swallow |
Icterus galbula | Baltimore oriole |
Icterus spurius | orchard oreole |
Junco hyemalis | dark-eyed junko |
Megascops asio | Eastern screech owl |
Melanerpes carolinus | red-bellied woodpecker |
Melanerpes erythrocephalus | red-headed woodpecker |
Meleagris gallopavo | wild turkey |
Myiarchus crinitus | great crested flycatcher |
Passer domesticus | house sparrow |
Passerina cyanea | indigo bunting |
Phasianus colchicus | ring-necked pheasant |
Pheucticus ludovicianus | rose-breasted grosbeak |
Picoides pubescens | downy woodpecker |
Pipilo erythrophthalmus | Eastern towhee |
Poecile atricapillus | black-capped chickadee |
Pooecetes gramineus | vesper sparrow |
Quiscalus quiscula | common grackle |
Regulus satrapa | golden crowned kinglet |
Sayornis phoebe | Eastern phoebe |
Sialia sialis | Eastern bluebird |
Sitta canadensis | red-breasted nuthatch |
Sitta carolinensis | white-breasted nuthatch |
Spiza americana | dickcissel |
Spizella arborea | field sparrow |
Spizella passerina | chipping sparrow |
Strix varia | barred owl |
Sturnelia magna | Eastern meadowlark |
Sturnus vulgaris | European starling |
Thryothorus ludovicianus | Carolina wren |
Toxostoma rufum | brown thrasher |
Troglodytes acdon | house wren |
Turdus migratorius | American robin |
Tyrannus tyrannus | Eastern kingbird |
Zenaida macrours | mourning dove |
Zonotrichia leucophrys | white-crowned sparrow |
Zonotrichia querula | Harris' sparrow |
"This property will forever be managed for the benefit of all living creatures."
-W.T. Bagley
Enhancing interaction with the human & wild ecosystem
Planning and funding for a visitor center involving renovation of existing residence with restrooms, as an educational and gathering place where nature, knowledge and experience meet.Wildlife Habitat
Conservation of diverse species and recognition of equitable ecosystem services to promote and demonstrate sustainability.Access
Provide public access to the local community and plan and fundraise for a connection to the Lincoln trail system.Partnerships
Collaborate with universities, local schools, outreach/educational organizations, and the community to provide learning and research opportunities, nature-based programming and experiences and opportunities for contact with nature."this place is supposed to last." - W.T. Bagley
Prairie Pines Partners was created by Walt Bagley to facilitate he and his wife Virginia’s vision for the long-term stewardship of their property.
The Prairie Pines Partners mission is to provide leadership to develop Prairie Pines as a site of natural resource conservation for education, research and recreation for all. The Partners carry out this mission by providing nature based programming, events, and access to the public through the work of two part time staff, many volunteers and a committed Board of Directors. The Board consists of: Jill Aurand, Kent Miller, Nancy Scott, Naomi Kohles, Ned Stringham and Sue Kohles.
Wachiska Audubon Society is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society whose mission is to bring people together to preserve and restore tallgrass prairies and other natural ecosystems, promote birding, support native wildlife, provide nature education, and advocate for the sustainability of our natural community. Walt and Virginia Bagley were founding members in 1973.
Wachiska Audubon is recognized locally and nationally for their successful efforts to protect tallgrass prairie in and around their 17-county southeast Nebraska chapter area, through both direct ownership and by holding conservation easements for private landowners. They own 9 of the 51 prairies they manage with the goal to preserve and improve the prairie, provide habitat for prairie plants and animals, and to offer students, scientists, and the general public opportunities to study and enjoy these unique and increasingly rare ecosystems.